Clothes, Colors & Shoes: When it comes to colors in general, try to dress everyone in a similar color, Try and avoid large areas of light pastels, bold stripes, bold patterns, or anything that is too distracting, a subtle pattern is fine. Also avoid short sleeves; upper arms always tend to photograph wider than they are in real life. Keep in mind that white clothing may add the look of extra weight; dark colors tend to be slenderizing White clothing also acts as a reflector and if you are pale it will only enhance how pale you are.
Keep jewelry simple, conservative is always a safe choice.
Coordinating Clothes: The night before your portrait try laying out all the clothes the family will wear on the bed, ask yourself if the clothes match or if there is something that just doesn't belong or is too distracting. For holidays red and white make nice combinations other times shades of blue or such work well. Choose a color theme (solid colors are best) and clothing style that are representative of your family.
Hands: Ladies hands are often included in portraits, they add femininity and elegance. Having your nails done is important.
Makeup: Remember to bring along some makeup (lipstick and powder) for touch ups. Oil free make up is best as the oil based make up tends to make it look like you are perspiring. Glitter tends to have the same effect as the oil based make-up
Contact Lens: Some people who wear contact lens tend to blink on a high percentage of photos, it might be a good idea for contact lens wearer to wear glasses and take them off for the portraits.
Props: Household pets and special props such as musical instruments, etc., are always welcome.
Last but not least: remember to get a good night sleep for that fresh look